My name is Jacob Enget, and I am a software engineer that got their career start working in video games around 2008.
My first academic love was math. But a year and a half after finishing my B.S. in mathematics I realized that I wanted a career doing something more social and emotionally creative. This, combined with my long love affair with animation and video games, led me back to school to study computer science. Since then I've been happily working with computers and math together.
This website was originally created to showcase creative and technical projects of mine. My then hope was that it would successfully argue that me, a recent college grad, would make a good addition to some serious video game studio out there. And it worked! I was first hired by id Software, spent few years there, and then joined the folks at Havok.
I haven't worked in the video game industry since 2015, and this site hasn't received many updates since, but I still keep it around as my public face on the internet (although, the design of the site hasn't changed since 2008, so I appologize to any mobile users out there!)
Besides the demonstrations on this site, you'll also find my resume and information on how to contact me. I hope you enjoy looking around, and it would be great to hear from you!